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Патриотичен позитив за българския курорт Кранево

01.09.2023 14:28

Ако има спад в бизнеса, компенсаторните механизми са: пазарен реализъм, предразполагащо обслужване и гарантирано спокойствие и сигурност на туриста. [... ]

Поморие - солта на семейния туризъм

12.08.2022 14:15

Дали все пак: "У дома е най-добре"? [... ]

Апартаменти под наем предлагат уют в сърцето на София

12.12.2021 16:58

R & R Apartments предлага краткосрочно и дългосрочно настаняване на гости на столицата в луксозни апартаменти в сграда, намираща се в историческия център на града. [... ]

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The special flavor of Bansko

15.02.2008 18:32

The contemporary town of Bansko is a unique mixture of old traditions and modern style
The special flavor of Bansko

The winter resort is located just above the colourful town of Bansko 12 km into the picturesque Pirin Mountain. The perfectly prepared and efficiently secured ski runs are stretched over 70 km. 25 km of modern high-capacity lift infrastructure stands for comfort and minimal waiting times.The geographical location high in the mountain and the technical capability of the resort with its more than 160 snow cannons secure snow coverage from December to May. The old quiet little town with its typical stone houses and colorful Pirin Mountain folklore has made a name for itself as one of the fastest developing ski centers in Southeast Europe.

The contemporary town of Bansko is a unique mixture of old traditions and modern style, where new-built hotels and apartment houses are separated from more than 100 years old ethnographic houses by just a tiny, stone-paved street. The town centre is a listed World Heritage Site.

Every year hundreds of British, Scandinavian, Bulgarian, Russian and Greek tourists flood the resort. In recent years investors’ interest of Bulgarian and foreign companies have drastically changed the appearance of the historical town, which was in the past visited only by tourists interested in cultural and ecological tourism. Luxury hotels and villa settlements equipped with spa centers, sports grounds, swimming pools have been mushrooming “out of the blue”, but in this case – rather out of the green at the foot of the Pirin Mountain. By the end of the winter season nearly 100 new hotels will open. The best thing, according to Yanka Rahova, Chairperson of the Union of Tourist Business in Bansko, is that local hotel owners try to preserve the characteristic traditional architectural style of their town.


No doubt the biggest attraction in Bansko is the wonderful opportunity to practice winter sports just like in other European winter resorts further to the West. A cabin lift takes skiers to the higher parts of the mountain where the ski runs are. They are of a total length of 65 kilometers, made for skiers of different levels of advancement. Two of the tracks are illuminated for night skiing.The highest track point is 2560 m, the lowest – 1000 m above see level. The longest possible track combo makes a 16 km downhill race.


Snow boarders can enjoy the “Fun Park” made for them, offering all international aspects. Heli-skiing is an attraction for thrill seekers. Skiers are taken to the top of the mountain by a helicopter from where they head down the yet unbroken snow cover, accompanied by they coaches, of course. Most of the tourists coming to Bansko are foreign guests and their number is expected to increase by another 20% this year.

To people who are more interested in history, we recommend a stroll in the narrow cobblestone streets in the old part of Bansko, winding along the high stone walls and heavy wooden gates of the yards. Inside – old stone houses with narrow, fortress-style windows display wonderful wood carved ceilings and frescoes from the time of the Bulgarian National Revival period (from mid 18th through 19th c.). The Velyanova house from those times has been turned into a museum. Not far from it stands the Holly Trinity Church built in 1835. It has become the symbol of the town. All over the town cozy folk-style pubs lure the visitor at almost every step. The souvenir shops offering objects created by local craftsmen add up to the special flavor of Bansko.










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България - АРХИВ

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